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Popular and Unique Jainism Baby Girl Names

Jainism Baby Girl Names

Discover a curated collection of popular and unique Jainism baby girl names, each rich in meaning and cultural significance. This guide features a variety of names that embody the values of Jain philosophy, such as peace, compassion, and respect for all living beings. Whether you seek a traditional name or a modern twist, find the perfect name that resonates with your aspirations for your little one.

Baby Girl NameMeaningOriginDescription
AadhiraMoonJainA name symbolizing beauty and serenity.
BhavyaGrand, SplendidJainA name representing magnificence and brilliance.
CharviBeautifulJainA name symbolizing elegance and grace.
DivyaDivineJainA name representing purity and divine qualities.
EshaDesireJainA name symbolizing aspiration and ambition.
GauriGoddess ParvatiJainA name symbolizing motherhood and strength.
HinaFragranceJainA name representing beauty and charm.
IshitaSuperiorJainA name symbolizing excellence and capability.
JanviGanga RiverJainA name symbolizing purity and sacredness.
KavyaPoeticJainA name representing creativity and artistic expression.
LavanyaGraceJainA name symbolizing elegance and charm.
MedhaIntelligenceJainA name representing wisdom and intellect.
NavyaYoung, NewJainA name symbolizing freshness and modernity.
OjasviBrightJainA name representing brilliance and energy.
PrishaBelovedJainA name symbolizing love and affection.
RiyaSingerJainA name symbolizing musical talent and expression.
ShreyaProsperousJainA name representing wealth and well-being.
TanviDelicateJainA name symbolizing elegance and softness.
UrviEarthJainA name representing nurturing and stability.
VaidehiGoddess SitaJainA name symbolizing strength and devotion.
YashviFameJainA name representing recognition and success.
AarohiMelodyJainA name symbolizing harmony and sweetness.
BhaktiDevotionJainA name representing faith and dedication.
CharitaGood CharacterJainA name symbolizing virtue and morality.
DevikaLittle GoddessJainA name representing divinity and innocence.
EshaniGoddess ParvatiJainA name symbolizing strength and nurturing.
HariniDeer-likeJainA name symbolizing grace and gentleness.
IshaniGoddess DurgaJainA name representing strength and power.
KritikaStarJainA name symbolizing brilliance and inspiration.
LataCreeperJainA name representing growth and beauty.
MridulaSoftJainA name symbolizing gentleness and kindness.
NityaEternalJainA name representing continuity and timelessness.
ParinaFairyJainA name symbolizing grace and ethereal beauty.
RiddhiProsperityJainA name representing success and affluence.
SnehaAffectionJainA name symbolizing love and warmth.
TrishaThirstJainA name representing desire and aspiration.
VaishaliAn Ancient CityJainA name symbolizing history and grandeur.
YutikaFlowerJainA name representing beauty and bloom.
AmeyaBoundlessJainA name symbolizing infinity and vastness.
ChandniMoonlightJainA name representing illumination and beauty.
DishaDirectionJainA name symbolizing guidance and clarity.
GitaSacred SongJainA name representing spirituality and teachings.
HemaniGoldenJainA name representing value and preciousness.
IndiraGoddess LakshmiJainA name symbolizing prosperity and well-being.
KarishmaMiracleJainA name representing wonder and fascination.
LeenaDevotedJainA name symbolizing loyalty and dedication.
ManishaIntellectJainA name representing thoughtfulness and intelligence.
NidhiTreasureJainA name symbolizing wealth and abundance.
PallaviNew LeavesJainA name symbolizing growth and renewal.
RupaBeautyJainA name representing charm and attraction.
SakshiWitnessJainA name symbolizing awareness and presence.
TaraStarJainA name representing brilliance and guidance.
VibhaRadianceJainA name symbolizing brightness and vitality.
AlishaProtected by GodJainA name representing divine protection and strength.
BhumiEarthJainA name symbolizing stability and nurturing.
ChhaviReflectionJainA name representing charm and grace.
DipikaLittle LampJainA name symbolizing light and positivity.
EeshaGoddess ParvatiJainA name representing nurturing and divinity.
GargiAncient ScholarJainA name symbolizing wisdom and intellect.
HaritaGreenJainA name representing life and nature.
InduMoonJainA name representing beauty and tranquility.
KalyaniAuspiciousJainA name symbolizing good fortune and positivity.
LalitaGracefulJainA name symbolizing elegance and poise.
MeeraDevotee of Lord KrishnaJainA name representing devotion and love.
NaliniLotusJainA name symbolizing purity and beauty.
OviyaArtistJainA name representing creativity and talent.
PranaviGoddess ParvatiJainA name representing strength and nurturing.
RadhaBeloved of Lord KrishnaJainA name symbolizing love and devotion.
SarikaNightingaleJainA name symbolizing song and beauty.
TriptiSatisfactionJainA name representing fulfillment and contentment.
VaaniSpeechJainA name symbolizing expression and communication.
AanyaGraciousJainA name representing elegance and kindness.
BhargaviGoddess DurgaJainA name representing strength and power.
CharitaCharacterJainA name symbolizing virtue and ethics.
DaminiLightningJainA name representing energy and brilliance.
EshaPurityJainA name symbolizing innocence and clarity.
GeetikaSmall SongJainA name representing joy and melody.
HariniDeerJainA name symbolizing gentleness and grace.
IraGoddess SaraswatiJainA name representing knowledge and wisdom.
KanchiA Sacred CityJainA name symbolizing spirituality and heritage.
LishaMysteriousJainA name representing uniqueness and beauty.
MeenalPrecious StoneJainA name symbolizing value and elegance.
NeetaMoralJainA name representing principles and integrity.
OmikaRelated to OmJainA name symbolizing spirituality and peace.
PallaviNew LeavesJainA name representing growth and freshness.
RekhaLine, ArtJainA name symbolizing creativity and beauty.
SnehalFriendlyJainA name representing warmth and kindness.
TulikaPaintbrushJainA name symbolizing art and creativity.
VaibhaviRich and PowerfulJainA name representing prosperity and influence.
YaminiNightJainA name symbolizing calmness and mystery.
ZarnaA Small StreamJainA name symbolizing life and movement.
ArpitaDedicatedJainA name symbolizing devotion and loyalty.
BinaMusical InstrumentJainA name representing music and art.
ChandrikaMoonlightJainA name symbolizing radiance and beauty.
DhritiPatienceJainA name representing endurance and calmness.
GauriGoddess ParvatiJainA name symbolizing strength and beauty.
IndiraGoddess LakshmiJainA name representing prosperity and good fortune.
KritiWork of ArtJainA name symbolizing creativity and accomplishment.
LekhaWritingJainA name symbolizing communication and intelligence.
MadhaviSweet Like HoneyJainA name representing sweetness and love.
NeelamSapphireJainA name representing value and elegance.
PoojaWorshipJainA name symbolizing devotion and reverence.
RoshniLightJainA name representing brightness and hope.
ShaliniModestyJainA name symbolizing humility and grace.
TanishaAmbitionJainA name representing aspiration and determination.
VanyaGracious Gift of GodJainA name symbolizing divine blessing and elegance.
AmritaImmortalJainA name symbolizing eternity and sacredness.
ChitraPictureJainA name representing creativity and beauty.
DeepaliRow of LampsJainA name symbolizing light and festivity.
EktaUnityJainA name symbolizing togetherness and harmony.
GarimaWarmthJainA name representing kindness and hospitality.
HimaniGoddess ParvatiJainA name symbolizing strength and purity.
IshitaDesiredJainA name representing aspiration and capability.
JuhiFlowerJainA name representing beauty and fragrance.
KanikaAtomJainA name symbolizing minuteness and preciousness.
LavinaPurityJainA name representing cleanliness and innocence.
ManjuPleasantJainA name symbolizing charm and joy.
NiraliUniqueJainA name representing individuality and specialness.
PurnimaFull MoonJainA name symbolizing brightness and completeness.
RachnaCreationJainA name representing innovation and artistry.
ShreyaAuspiciousJainA name symbolizing prosperity and goodness.
TamannaWishJainA name representing desire and longing.
UrmilaEnchantressJainA name symbolizing charm and beauty.
VibhaRadianceJainA name symbolizing glow and vibrancy.
AasthaFaithJainA name symbolizing belief and trust.
BhavnaGood FeelingsJainA name representing positive emotions and empathy.
ChandanaSandalwoodJainA name symbolizing fragrance and tranquility.
DhanyaBlessedJainA name representing fortune and gratitude.
HemaGoldenJainA name symbolizing value and splendor.
IshaOne Who ProtectsJainA name symbolizing strength and safeguarding.
KarunaCompassionJainA name representing empathy and kindness.
LataVineJainA name symbolizing growth and natural beauty.
MohiniEnchantressJainA name symbolizing charm and allure.
NainaEyesJainA name representing perception and beauty.
OjasviBrightJainA name representing energy and brightness.
PiyaBelovedJainA name symbolizing love and closeness.
RituSeasonJainA name representing change and renewal.
SimranMeditationJainA name symbolizing thoughtfulness and spirituality.
TanujaDaughterJainA name symbolizing lineage and familial bond.
VaishaliAn Ancient CityJainA name symbolizing history and significance.
YaminiNocturnalJainA name symbolizing night and calmness.
AnjaliOfferingJainA name representing devotion and reverence.
BinitaHumbleJainA name symbolizing humility and gentleness.
DeepaLightJainA name symbolizing positivity and brightness.
GitaSacred SongJainA name representing sacredness and learning.
IndiraBeautyJainA name representing elegance and charm.
KalyaniBlessedJainA name symbolizing auspiciousness and goodness.
LeelaDivine PlayJainA name symbolizing joy and divine essence.
MiraAdmirableJainA name representing devotion and worth.
NityaAlwaysJainA name symbolizing constancy and stability.
PallaviNew LeavesJainA name symbolizing growth and freshness.
RadhaSuccessJainA name representing devotion and spiritual love.
ShwetaPureJainA name symbolizing cleanliness and purity.
TanviDelicateJainA name representing elegance and beauty.
UshaDawnJainA name symbolizing new beginnings and hope.
VritiNatureJainA name representing life and natural beauty.
AnitaGraceJainA name symbolizing elegance and charm.
ChayaShadowJainA name representing subtlety and comfort.
DivyaDivineJainA name symbolizing spirituality and brightness.
ElaEarthJainA name symbolizing strength and nurturing.
GangaSacred RiverJainA name symbolizing purity and life-giving force.
HemaliGoldenJainA name representing splendor and value.
IshaniGoddess ParvatiJainA name symbolizing divine motherhood and strength.
JayaVictoryJainA name representing success and achievement.
KavitaPoemJainA name symbolizing art and literary talent.
LavanyaGraceJainA name representing beauty and elegance.
ManishaIntellectJainA name symbolizing intelligence and wisdom.
NandiniDaughterJainA name representing joy and nurturing.
ParulGracefulJainA name symbolizing subtle beauty and kindness.
RiyaSingerJainA name representing musical talent and charm.
SnehaLoveJainA name symbolizing warmth and affection.
TriptiSatisfactionJainA name representing contentment and fulfillment.
VaidehiGoddess SitaJainA name symbolizing loyalty and virtue.
AnishaEternalJainA name representing timelessness and continuity.
BhavanaEmotionJainA name symbolizing feelings and empathy.
CharuBeautifulJainA name symbolizing beauty and grace.
DevikaLittle GoddessJainA name representing divinity and protection.
EkanshiWholeJainA name symbolizing completeness and unity.
GeetaSacred SongJainA name symbolizing sacredness and spiritual wisdom.
IlaEarthJainA name symbolizing nurturing and grounding.
KalindiRiver YamunaJainA name representing purity and strength.
MahiThe EarthJainA name symbolizing grounding and resilience.
NavyaYoungJainA name representing youthfulness and freshness.
PankhuriPetalJainA name symbolizing delicacy and beauty.
RuchiInterestJainA name representing charm and enthusiasm.
SaheliFriendJainA name symbolizing companionship and support.
TejasviBrightJainA name representing intelligence and energy.
UrvashiCelestial MaidenJainA name symbolizing heavenly beauty.
VidyaKnowledgeJainA name representing learning and wisdom.
YashasviSuccessfulJainA name symbolizing achievement and victory.
AakritiShapeJainA name symbolizing structure and form.
BhaktiDevotionJainA name representing dedication and reverence.
ChandniMoonlightJainA name symbolizing brightness and purity.
DeekshaInitiationJainA name representing spiritual beginnings.
EshanaDesireJainA name symbolizing ambition and pursuit.
GargiWise WomanJainA name symbolizing wisdom and scholarly pursuits.
HaritaGreenJainA name representing life, growth, and vitality.
JyotiFlameJainA name symbolizing light and energy.
KetakiFlowerJainA name representing beauty and fragrance.
MadhuriSweetJainA name symbolizing pleasantness and delight.

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